Sean Lare and Sean Lare Counseling & Consulting is not promoting/endorsing these resources, but has compiled this list in an attempt to make finding care easier for those seeking it. If you are a trans person and have resources that you have found helpful and would like to recommend to other trans people via these lists, please email me and let me know.
General Resources
Suicide Prevention/Peer Chat Lines/Crisis Centers
- Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
- The Trevor Project for LGBT Youth: 866-488-7386
- GLBT National Help Center
Primary Care Providers
Support/Social Groups
- Black Transmen, Inc
- Hearts & Ears (Baltimore)
- Baltimore Transgender Alliance
- AIDS ACTION Baltimore’s TEA TIME (Transpeople Empowerment in Action)
- PFLAG Howard County, MD
- Rainbow Youth Alliance
- The Pride Center of Maryland
- Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders (SMYAL) in DC
- HIPS in DC
- The DC Center
- DC Area Transmasculine Society
- The Frederick Center in Frederick, MD
Make up/Binders/Packers/Wigs/Clothes/Shoes
(resources coming soon)